Streamline Your Church Management with Planning Center Software (PCO) #3

Reason #3

The Growth & Health of Your Group Life Rely on PCO.

Today we will focus on improving the sense of community within churches by using PCO Groups.

Creating a cohesive connection that goes beyond traditional Sunday gatherings most Pastors believe if that if we just say "join a group" or "sign up in our app" people will take action. After 10 years of ministry experience as the group life overseer, and working with many churches I can tell you that will never cut it. 

In 2024, a post-COVID world where we have all been sent home and now are being sent back into the world (via our bosses and sociology), people long to build community now more than ever. However, building a strong and connected community involves creating bonds throughout the week, and Planning Center Online (PCO) Groups is a reliable and secure platform for communication.PCO Groups easily enhance the connectivity of our church family outside of the traditional Sunday gatherings.

Amid the busyness of our daily lives, it can be difficult to stay connected to the church. However, PCO Groups offers a solution by allowing group leaders to easily track attendance, enabling our church community to thrive beyond Sunday services. By facilitating communication and sharing prayer requests, PCO Groups act as a digital connection that bridges the gap throughout the week.

Planning Center Online Groups enable us to participate in the lives of others, whether in times of celebration or when they face difficulties. It creates a sense of community that goes beyond Sunday services, bringing people together and fostering a feeling of belonging beyond just the weekend worship.

If you are not using, PCO Groups in your church, you most likely are not growing your groups at the rates they could be. PCO online Groups serve as the focal point of our church community, promoting stronger connections and improved communication. It is more than just a tool; it is a platform that fosters genuine relationships that invigorate your church daily. Unlock your groups for health and growth today. 


Streamline Your Church Management with Planning Center Software (PCO) #4


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